Why A Liquor License Can Be Difficult To Obtain
ShareIf you own a restaurant, at some point you might decide that you want to sell liquor. This can be a great idea because liquor can have one of the largest profit margins. However, you'll need to obtain a liquor license before you are able to sell alcohol. However, the process can be confusing if you are not working with a consultant.
The Cost of a Liquor License
One of the first questions to ask is whether you want to obtain a liquor license. Doing so can be very expensive depending on the state in which you reside. In some states, a liquor license renewal can cost as much as the initial license application and you will need to renew your license every couple of years. Therefore, a consultant will be able to help you determine if obtaining a liquor license is the right option for your business.
How to Get Started
You will need to obtain the type of license that your type of business would need. For example, you will not want to obtain a liquor license for a manufacturer of liquor if you will be selling alcohol at a restaurant.
You will need to explain the type of establishment you operate, whether or not customers are allowed to bring their own alcohol, whether you will be making your own alcohol at your restaurant and the hours in which you will be selling your alcohol.
Liquor Licenses are Limited
There are a limited number of licenses that are given out in each state. Therefore, if there are no liquor licenses available, you may need to purchase one from another business.
How the Regulators Determine Your Eligibility
One of the questions that regulatory agencies will want to have answered is whether you reside in a location where you are allowed to serve alcohol and whether you have the facility you need to sell alcohol. There might be zoning requirements for where you can sell alcohol or you might not be allowed to sell alcohol in a particular location because it's too close to a school.
Working with consultants like Arizona Liquor Industry Consultants can help you obtain your liquor license much more quickly because you will be able to avoid making mistakes that would lead to your liquor license being put on hold. When you have made a mistake, you will need to submit the information requested by the regulators through the mail before they will reconsider your application.